The practice has a tradition of nurturing the growth of our team, encouraging them to take an active role in shaping our culture and work.

You can hear more about what it is like to work with us through our Staff Stories video series.


Our Summer Party in full flow.

Careers at ID:SR also include opportunities with our architectural group, Sheppard Robson, and AXIS, which applies detailed design expertise to major projects by others.

We are actively recruiting for the roles detailed below. To apply for any of these positions, please email us with details of the role you’d like to apply for. Please include your CV and a sample portfolio for technical and design positions.

We are an equal opportunities employer that is committed to creating an open working environment, supporting diversity and inclusion across Sheppard Robson, ID:SR and AXIS.


London, Glasgow, Manchester

We are recruiting for Architects and Senior Architects who are looking for a positive career move to join our London, Manchester and Glasgow studios. Experience of mixed-use typology is preferred. Candidates with strong experience in Revit are desired. To apply, please use the email address link above.

Interior Designers

London, Manchester

We are recruiting Interior Designers to join our London and Manchester studios. Experience of designing workplaces and strong use of Revit is required. To apply, please use the email address link above.

Architectural Assistants


We are welcoming applications from recently qualified Part 3 Architectural Assistants to join our London and Manchester studios. Candidates with knowledge and experience in Revit are desired. To apply, please use the email address link above.

Sustainable Materials Specialist


We are looking for an enthusiastic and diligent individual, with a passion for sustainable and regenerative materials and research, to join our Sustainability Team as Material Specialist, based in the London studio.

This is an exciting opportunity to embed yourself in Sheppard Robson culture and help to deliver positive change for the practice and industry, with opportunity for career progression and support in the role.

This person will work closely with the Head of Sustainability and Sustainability Group to champion and support project teams with sustainable material choices. It is a practice-wide role, which requires excellent organisation and communication skills and attention to detail.

Key tasks include:

- Establish physical sustainable materials library, and maintain and update content of digital material database, with support and input from architecture and ID:SR Sustainability Groups.
- Research new materials/product innovations and meet with material and product suppliers.
- Work closely with project teams to advise on material choices.

Skills required:

- Enthusiastic individual with a passion for sustainable materials and research.
- Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail.
- Experience in material selection and specification.
- Good understanding of life cycle embodied carbon, health and wellbeing metrics and ecological and supply chain impacts of materials.
- Good understanding of Microsoft Excel.
- Excellent time management skills.
- Excellent communication skills.

Optional/preferable skills:

- Good understanding of Power Bi
- Good knowledge of BREEAM criteria
- Good knowledge of WELL criteria


- Experience in interior design and/or architectural design would be beneficial.


This is a new role with little available benchmarking data in the industry, and therefore is dependent on the successful applicant’s experience and qualifications.

To apply, please use the email address link above.